Clarifire Blog

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3 min read

FHFA Explores the Responsible Use of Generative AI

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) held its annual TechSprint this July with a focus on generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in housing finance. Hosted by FHFA’s Office of Financial Technology (OFT), the interactive problem-solving event...

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Laptop with message that the CFPB wants feedback.

4 min read

CFPB Proposes New Rules for Mortgage Servicers

We’ve all grown accustomed to rules and change management, but what does the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Proposed Rule mean for...

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Servicer helping borrower with high interest rates

4 min read

New Options Help Veterans Avoid Foreclosure

Following up on our last blog, ‘Servicing Answers to High Interest Rate Pressures,’ it is crucial that mortgage servicers do not succumb to the...

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Servicer helping borrower with high interest rates

4 min read

Servicing Answers to High Interest Rate Pressures

Will higher interest rates put your delinquent borrowers in jeopardy? Pushed to new lows on the cusp of the financial crisis, the average annual...

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Break the Rules Customer Experience

3 min read

Collaborative Security Strategies Combat Digital Threats for Mortgage Servicers

Data breaches and cybersecurity risk looms large in today’s high-tech landscape, with digital security threats becoming more prevalent and...

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Break the Rules Customer Experience

3 min read

Accelerate Change to Alleviate Pain – An Oxymoron?

The need for operational change is a never-ending fact of doing business. Required and yet scary to staff and customers, change comes from all...

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Break the Rules Customer Experience

3 min read

Mortgage Executives Share Their Biggest Challenges and Solutions

Mortgage servicers gathered in Orlando for the annual MBA Servicing Solutions Conference & Expo to explore insights on what to expect in 2024. A...

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Break the Rules Customer Experience

3 min read

Responsible Innovation - A Future Vision for the Mortgage Industry

The mortgage industry has shown its aptitude to embrace technical innovation and digitization, but are we responsible in our approach? No one would...

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Break the Rules Customer Experience

3 min read

Break the Rules: Reimagine a Digital Customer Experience in 2024

As we embrace a brand new year with mortgage projections hinting at a promising year but not committing, it’s the perfect opportunity to reevaluate...

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3 min read

Break the Rules: Reimagine Mortgage for Customer Expansion

The mortgage industry and financial services, in general, have been flooded with rules. Dating back to the advent of the Dodd-Frank Act and fast...

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3 min read

Foreclosures are back!

The Q3 2023 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report recently published by ATTOM Data Solutions reveals what lies ahead for mortgage servicers. Illustrating an...

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3 min read

Tapping Innovation to Ignite Change Automation for Mortgage Servicing

Are you thinking it's time to reexamine your approach to technology innovation? Stop waiting, now is the time to implement change capabilities into...

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3 min read

FEMA, Floods, Fires, and Funding, Oh No!

Natural disasters resulting from hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and earthquakes can strike at any moment, leaving behind a trail of destruction and...

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3 min read

Digitizing Mortgage Default

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is looking to modernize mortgage default servicing processes by inviting more automation into the process...

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3 min read

Conquering Record-Breaking Change

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortgage servicers and homeowners is not over. As agencies and industry stakeholders evaluate the residual...

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3 min read

How to Prepare For and Measure the Effectiveness of AI in Your Servicing Operations?

In today’s technologically advanced world, artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving and emerging through the modernization and adoption of...

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3 min read

Are You Tracking New CFPB Examination Updates?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s updated mortgage servicing examination procedures pull from lessons learned since their last update in...

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3 min read

Are You Ready to Offer Your Borrowers New Payment Deferral Options?

Piggy-backing payment deferral success from the pandemic, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) just announced that beginning July 1, 2023,...

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3 min read

The Best Regulatory Defense is Modern Workflow Automation

Are you suffering from regulatory fatigue? Has managing the latest default triggers become arduous? Whether from post-pandemic, pre-recession, or...

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3 min read

Are You on the Road to Seamless Servicing Success?

Or are you stuck by the side of the road as others pass by? It’s time to stop doing the same thing… and getting the same results. The obstacles that...

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3 min read

What You Need to Look for with the CFPB’s Forthcoming Rulemaking Activities

Regulatory and rulemaking actions were just released for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the Unified Agenda of Regulatory and...

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2 min read

Are Your Borrower Calls Compliant With the New TCPA Ruling?

When was the last time you reviewed your borrower communication practices? As technology options continue to expand, so follows oversight. The...

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4 min read

What’s Your Plan for Foreclosure Prevention?

Don’t be deluded by ongoing reports of decreasing delinquency and foreclosure. As is often the case, it depends on which numbers you’re watching....

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3 min read

CFPB Proposes Automation To Reduce Consumer Friction

What does the CFPB’s recent initiative to curate mortgage products and assist homeowners have to do with mortgage servicing? More than you think....

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3 min read

Can Servicers Rise to the Latest Challenges?

What’s next on the mortgage horizon? Lenders are feeling the pinch as interest rates make an uphill trek. On a broader scale, foreclosure activity...

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