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Using the right patient rounding tool makes your work easier—here’s how

Using the right patient rounding tool makes your work easier—here’s how

As a Patient Experience Manager, CNO, or Nurse Executive, you understand the importance and effectiveness of Nurse Leader Rounding. Are you having trouble convincing your teams to get on board with the idea? Maybe they’re not buying into it because they think they won’t have time to learn something new. Maybe you’ve used a company in the past and got burned—but switching to a technology that actually works is easier than you think. Here are some things you can say to help convince your team to trust the process.

It’s all in the design

As a nurse, your existing hospital rounding software expects you to input data and resembles a spreadsheet. What if all you had to do was click, swipe and go to the next patient?

With the CLARIFIRE HEALTH mobile rounding tool, your dashboard is full of colorful, prominent buttons that are so easy to use you won’t even have to take your eyes off the patient while using it. Our technology takes the stress and anxiety out of patient rounding and provides a product that is simple, effective and helps enhance the overall nurse engagement and patient experience. It’s not just about the physical design, but the design of user flow.

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In a recent demonstration, a healthcare organization shared that our mobile application was easy to implement and required very little work from a team of developers. When you have actionable data, you can drastically improve the patient experience in real-time. If there’s no integration and you’re required to type in patient information manually, there’s no way to hold anyone accountable because there’s no track record of rounds.  

Rounding directly affects your scores

As a nurse manager, do you struggle to complete your patient rounds in a timely manner? With the increasing pressure nurses feel to keep HCAHPS scores high, we know nurse to patient communication scores are top of mind when caring for patients. While research shows tracking analytics, data input and reviewing feedback alone is not enough to see desired results, it’s the combination of workflow and communication between hospital leaders and patients that does the trick.

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During your next huddle, speak up about the gaps in your organization that technology can help conquer. Do your research and make sure you’re asking all the right questions to find the right technology that is a good fit for your organization. Hire a vendor that provides ongoing coaching and shares best practices regularly.

It’s adaptable and concise

We can hear the groaning now. We know—learning a new product or software can be tiresome and frustrating. We understand the fear of repercussions if something negative is brought into the technology, which is why our clients are trained to use positive affirmation—like kudos and unmet needs, versus punishment or termination.

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Would you believe me if I told you we’ve had nurse managers up and running with our software in as little as five minutes? That’s because our Patient Rounding tool was built with the help of nurse leaders. With their knowledge and expertise of how the rounding process really works, we’ve been able to create a product that truly speaks to the ones using the software on a regular basis.

If you’re a nurse, you’re a hands on person—but we’ll help you and your nurse managers get started. Through the implementation processes, our team of experts will be by your side to make sure you know everything there is to learn about the mobile rounding tool. Besides, the right technology can actually be fun and useful!

It’s time to shift the nurse manager mindset from “I don’t have time to learn this new technology, I’m only focusing on the clinical” to “Communicating effectively with my patients is half the job, and technology can help.” If you had access to a hospital rounding solution like CLARIFIRE HEALTH, it would free you up to do what you do best—deliver care.

Schedule a no-obligation demo with us today and learn how your organization can get a fresh start.



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Lauren Walling

Lauren Walling is a graduate of Emory University with a degree in Industrial Psychology, as well as an MBA from the John Sykes School of Business from The University of Tampa. She currently sits on the Board of Fellows at the University of Tampa, and is a member of the Healthcare Business Women's Association, National Association of Professional Women, and the Morton Plant Skip Cline Society. Lauren works with large Healthcare Systems implementing Patient Experience Solutions that streamline processes, increase patient experience and improve quality and safety. 


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