2 min read

How Coaching and Technology Create Rounding Success

How Coaching and Technology Create Rounding Success

Is your team afraid to log not met domains and coaching notes? Do they often communicate that they don’t want to ‘tattle’? OR, are they completely silent during team meetings? It’s an uncomfortable discussion, but top box HCAHPS are dependent on seeing and understanding the full picture of your patient’s experience.

You have chosen to complete Patient Rounds for the value it will bring to your organization. Whether it be to coach your team through a repeatable process, increase patient satisfaction and improve HCAHP scores, or promote safety, the value is there. However, to get the full benefits from patient rounds, you have to be willing to report on the good, the bad, and the indifferent.

Patient Rounding

There IS an ‘I’ in Team

In fact, there may be several! Each individual on your team has a vital role in the success of the group. It’s up to you as the leader to empower your team members. Get to know them – individually. The information you gather on each person is invaluable when working to maximize each members’ strengths. Let the team know the overall goals and how they each fit into the action plan and improvement strategy.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Strategize as a team. When the team is consistently coached, not only will each member’s perception improve – it’s almost guaranteed patient perception will change as well! Use a team strategy when coaching – it’s not personal! It’s honest feedback from the patients that needs to be addressed.

Lead by Example

Be a transformational leader. Foster open discussion at team meetings by creating an ‘it’s safe to speak’ environment. Be a listener! Hold your tongue -- be mindful of reactive comments (‘Again?? She always messes that up!’).

Highlight Your MVPs

Team members appreciate being recognized for a job well done. Create a recognition and rewards program for staff or units that go above and beyond. Take it to the next level with a friendly little competition. Make it fun! Results can be reviewed in your daily stand up meetings or posted on bulletin boards.

Download the case study!


Technology for the Home Run

The CLARIFIRE HEALTH™ mobile application works hand in hand with the CLARIFIRE Workflow engine to allow end-users to easily capture areas of needed improvement. The mobile application features big, bright buttons to log ‘Not Met’ domains as well as the ability to add a note on the fly that is directly attached to a specific domain.

No need to sit at your desk to review performance results. Real time data capture equals instant coaching up opportunities. You can access performance notes and domain outcomes in your dashboard as well as robust reporting directly from the CLARIFIRE link in your iPad!

Specific report parameters are customized, allowing you to get right down to the meat of the issue with a few quick clicks. A quick tap of an icon provides visibility into the patient’s entire continuum of care enabling team members provide a united front for handling patient concerns.

Easy to use technology backed by a robust workflow engine provides the back-up you need in order to prepare and execute an action plan and get on the road to improvement. A ‘Coaching Up’ standard plus ‘boundless’, powerful technology = your ‘A’ Team for rounding!


 Sustain Nurse Leader Rounding eBook




Lauren Walling

Lauren Walling is a graduate of Emory University with a degree in Industrial Psychology, as well as an MBA from the John Sykes School of Business from The University of Tampa. She currently sits on the Board of Fellows at the University of Tampa, and is a member of the Healthcare Business Women's Association, National Association of Professional Women, and the Morton Plant Skip Cline Society. Lauren works with large Healthcare Systems implementing Patient Experience Solutions that streamline processes, increase patient experience and improve quality and safety. 

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