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Evidence Based Healthcare with Innovative Technology

Evidence Based Healthcare with Innovative Technology

Healthcare organizations have recognized that to keep pace with industry growth, regulatory requirements, and increased responsibilities, caregivers require the aid of innovation.  In the past, physicians and nurses had paper charts and labor-intensive processes.  Manual processes took away precious time needed for patient care.  Fortunately, caregivers today have the opportunity to tap into the entire patient history while in the room with the patient.  This is a huge improvement from even five years ago.  Many industry thought leaders have been paving the way, replacing paper processes and antiquated technologies with robust, mobile solutions that enable caregivers to improve patient care on-the-spot.  Whether it be behind the scenes helping the operations, or front and center in the patient room, technology is changing the game. 

Innovative Technology for caregivers

Supporting Caregivers

Thankfully, gone are the days where nurses and physicians scour through layer after layer of an EMR to find the data they need.  Ground-breaking, innovative technology available today enables physicians and nurses to work differently and more efficiently.  This is accomplished by coupling the EMR data with automated workflow software that complements the clinical pathways.  This makes care giving easier and more effective for the caregiver while simultaneously improving hospital quality.  Proven results include reduced lengths of stay, improved hospital quality, and happier patients with the best possible outcomes. 

The Future is Now

The sort of technology we’re talking about is being adopted much more quickly than the past because they are easy to use.  A recent survey on Medcity reported that 97% of bedside nurses and 98% of physicians will use mobile devices in the hospital setting by 2022The same report showed that over 90% of caregivers will be accessing EMR records on a mobile device.  Finally, 55% of hospitals cited mobile technology reduces the cost of care, while another 72% of hospitals said that it improves the quality of patient care.(1) Healthcare providers also make use of the evidence-based data culled to display key information to the right person, at the right time.  The value equation for workflow automation is complete visibility of real-time data that supports the best clinical decisioning.  This data provides the foundation for making improvements in hospital quality and safety for both patients and staff. 

Do Your Homework

Sadly, all technology is not created equal.  Start by taking the time to consider your options and find a partner that will be the best fit for your organization.  Look for a software partner that has configurable and innovative technology with multiple solutions, proven results, and will ‘play well’ with your current and future technologies.  Companies offering Software as a Service (SaaS) are a great option because they provide subscription-based “cloud” services that are HIPAA compliant and secure.  When narrowing down your vendor choices, be sure to include clinical leadership to represent your physicians, nurses, and other caregivers.  This will ensure you choose the best technology for quick adoption to make the improvements you need.

New Rules of Nurse Leader Rounding eBook


Easy to use innovation?  Check.  Multiple solutions?  Check.  Interface with EMR?  Check.  Proven results?  Check, check, check!  CLARIFIRE HEALTH is a robust process automation application complete with mobile solutions that are being used by large hospital systems with compelling results.  Ask us how we improve quality, patient safety & experience, and patient outcome all with the same product.


Lauren Walling

Lauren Walling is a graduate of Emory University with a degree in Industrial Psychology, as well as an MBA from the John Sykes School of Business from The University of Tampa. She currently sits on the Board of Fellows at the University of Tampa, and is a member of the Healthcare Business Women's Association, National Association of Professional Women, and the Morton Plant Skip Cline Society. Lauren works with large Healthcare Systems implementing Patient Experience Solutions that streamline processes, increase patient experience and improve quality and safety.   

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  1. https://medcitynews.com/2018/02/future-of-mobile-tech/


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