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3 Reasons Your Business Needs an Effective Workflow

3 Reasons Your Business Needs an Effective Workflow

The term “workflow” isn’t new to the world of software. It’s used to describe how organizations are streamlining their business processes with automation to eliminate manual tasks and gaps. So what’s the big deal and why is implementing a workflow automation application so important?

Let’s begin with a quick overview.

In simple terms, workflow automation is the sequence, parallel or sequential or both, of work activities that systematizes a process or group of processes. These processes interact, synchronize and link through business rule logic that captures the essence of your business.

At Clarifire, we typically operate in the financial, enterprise and healthcare landscapes –  workflows can be useful for all types of business. Think any company, anywhere there are repetitive, paper or manual processes where information is dependent upon and exchanged with third parties.

Here’s why it’s important to have an effective workflow in place.

Workflows are Flexible and Adaptable

Potential clients ask us what we do. Our response is whatever you need us to do. That’s the beauty of workflows, they are extremely versatile.  The flexibility of workflow automation enables each client to achieve a personalized strategic approach to ensure they’re getting exactly what they need for their business. Workflows can be tailored to zero in on one point of pain or end to end synchronizing of work activities for the entire organization.  It’s up to the client!

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Because no two businesses are exactly the same, each one has their own ideas of how they want things done. They know what their customers need, and they know those needs change. One advantage of workflow automation is the ability to shapeshift the application to fit the needs of the business. Beneficial subject matter expertise and knowledge is captured in the business rules engine, creating value for the entire organization to leverage on demand. Less clutter, more work getting done.

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Change is inevitable, and workflow with a robust business rules engine that can be updated at any time is critical. Whether you’re adding or removing a process or steps in a process, you’re in control.  By eliminating the need for hard-coded applications and certified developer teams, you’re enabling data, images and business rules to drive the workflow and create efficiencies.

Workflows Drive Transparency and Collaboration

By sharing real-time data, images and communications in a secure business hub, you’re automating the information, making it easily accessible to all parties.  Take the guesswork out of what’s going on internally and externally with all relevant parties.

A workflow solution that automates ensures you have improved compliance, increased efficiencies and minimized risks. When you collaborate with other team members in a secure workflow platform, items won’t fall through the cracks and the gaps are eliminated.

It’s time to figure out what’s working – and what’s not. Are you wasting days and money on tasks that should be automated? What’s keeping you from using your time more effectively? The sooner the problem is identified, the sooner you can be on your way to solving it.

Workflows Produce Measurable Results

An effective digital solution allows you to aggregate and synchronize your data, images, actions and results all in a single view. When your real-time reports, views of key performance indicators and process information provide visibility into your tasks across the organization, you’re making them work more effectively.

By improving results and output, the focus shifts on the capabilities you now have to stay competitive and you can use it as a springboard for the future. Regardless of industry, by implementing a workflow automation solution, you and your team can sleep at night knowing your systems are helping you (not hurting you!)

Ready to schedule a demo? Contact one of our experts today to see how CLARIFIRE can help your business.



Jane Mason | @janemasonceo

Jane has applied her vast experience (over 25 years) operating process-driven businesses to successfully redefine client-focused service. Jane has worked with expert programmers to apply cutting-edge web-based technology to automate complex processes in industries such as Financial Services, Healthcare and enterprise workflow. Her vision confirms Clarifire's trajectory as a successful, scaling, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider. A University of South Florida graduate, Jane has received many awards related to her entrepreneurial skills.

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