Clarifire Conversations

January 24, 2018

4 Insider Benefits to Workflow Automation

Have you been guaranteed a solution for your workflow needs only to find broken promises, experiencing prolonged releases of features that you thought were there and now have the inability to accomplish your organizational goals?

These problems are all based on true stories. There are people who continue to experience these roadblocks every day, and we don’t want you to be one of them. Allow us to put your mind at ease. We know the concept of implementing enterprise BPM applications can be intimidating.

Workflow Automation

But with workflow, you can plug in processes and start to connect the fragmented work arounds methodically. There’s a simpler way to go about your days that will end up saving you time, money and stress in the long run. Here are four key benefits of workflow automation you’re missing out on if you’re still using Excel spreadsheets to get work done.

1. Workflow Works the Way You Do

With a flexible and interactive workflow platform like CLARIFIRE®, there is no need for IT professionals or UI designers. You can automate your Excel spreadsheets with ease and efficiency. The system dynamically changes what is displayed depending on what you’re doing as the interactions drive the processes. Critical data for decision making is centralized in one view.

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Our exclusive system offers a high-quality, straight-forward transition from strenuous manual work to an easy-to-use workflow platform. Set up your skill set levels, risk ratings, and assignment logic once and free up that time in your day. Then when you need to change, you can!

2. Your Business Keeps Moving Without Disruption

We encounter this question often—how long does it take to transition over to a new automated solution? The answer might surprise you. You can start now with one set of workflows that are being handled on spreadsheets and plug it in. This will complement or update any existing systems that you have. The timeframe varies depending on the complexity of workflow and integration needs. CLARIFIRE can ingest data from any file type and get you up and running in as little time as possible. 

Let’s take that excel spreadsheet or those manual checklists, create a schema, and with a simple click your file is automatically uploaded, validated for data integrity and processes launched distributing the work—all within a few seconds.

 60% of executives agree that huge savings can be achieved by streamlining operational workflows.

Now is the time to fill in the gaps! Take a look at the departments within your company that are working manually in spreadsheets and emails. Our team of workflow experts can work with you on the easiest approach to eliminating that way of working without interruption to your day to day activities. Plug in CLARIFIRE and incrementally move from manual to automated.

3. Analyze and Report on Data at Any Time

One of the many advantages to workflow automation is the ability to access your data when you need it and how you want to see it. Whether you're worried about productivity, volumes, historical completions or forecasts, your data can be accessed in real-time on dashboards.

Once a business rule is executed, it logs that it was triggered and executes the rule. The rule could be launching a new action or process, completing an action, populating data, or more, displaying the analytics at the same time.

Using KPIs, you can tag the milestones that you want to measure and add them easily to configurable dashboards for any type of role within the organization.  Visibility is the proven result.

4. Workflow is Scalable

We believe in thinking big but starting small. Our product is available in small, medium and large capacities—making it easy to start out small or create an end-to-end solution. Our application grows with you, allowing you to focus on one thing at a time until you are ready to expand your workflow solutions based on your current volume and capacity needs.

Because the processes are interactive and the robust business rules engine drives efficiencies, the operationalizing of your workarounds and spreadsheets makes your company better steadily over time.

Have we peaked your interest?

Try us out! Send us an example of your daily excel spreadsheet or checklist and allow us to show you how we configure the process that will allow you to import data from spreadsheets with a click of a button. Speed, quality and value – that’s our promise.

Ready for a demo? Contact one of our dedicated team members today to learn more about what CLARIFIRE can offer you.

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Jane Mason | Founder and CEO

Jane has applied her vast experience (over 25 years) operating process-driven businesses to successfully redefine client-focused service. Jane has worked with expert programmers to apply cutting-edge web-based technology to automate complex processes in industries such as Financial Services, Healthcare and enterprise workflow. Her vision confirms Clarifire's trajectory as a successful, scaling, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider. A University of South Florida graduate, Jane has received many awards related to her entrepreneurial skills.


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